Happy New Year from TCC across a landscape image of the TCC cricket range

Chapter 2024 of the TCC Cricket Story

What was your highlight of the past year?

I was reminded today of the importance of looking back at what stood out on 2024, as my wife, Laura, asked our daughters what was their highlight from 2024? 

Both answers related to starting new beginnings and starting their new schools. Their answers really made me stop and think on New Years Eve; what was the highlight of 2024 and what am I (TCC) looking forward to in 2025?

In a quick recap of 2024, and a bit of 2023...

TCC Cricket bats have started a cricketing story for many people. It is about understanding the enjoyment and the desire to play as much as possible for each cricketer of all abilities and ages.

TCC cricket bats have started to reach further afield than the South East of England, with #TeamTCC now represented in Australia, America and more recently in India.

Building TCC as a brand and developing new ideas and avenues to collaborate, has re-connected me with some old team mates from over the years. As a result I'm thoroughly enjoying talking and sharing learnings with coaches, who are so important to reaching players of all ages an abilities and making this great game as accessible to them all.

Expanding into protective kit as well as bats, has proved equally exciting and promising with so much interest since the arrival in June 2024.

With it I think the picture of 2 of my closest friends and team mates, walking out to open the batting for The Mote CC in September, kitted out as TCC ambassadors, has to be a real highlight.

What excites TCC for 2025?

Thinking of 2025, with a new cricket season coming here in England, I'm keen to see and cheer on the guys in #TeamTCC in India who are enjoying their winters.

I'm excited by the prospect of working with more and more cricketers. Looking to the ladies game and collaborating with Kent youngster Olivia Barnes has already been a massive positive and I cannot wait to see how her cricketing story evolves in 2025. 

TCC will work more and more to bring the cricketing community even closer and supportive to those who enjoy and want to play, through collaborating with clubs, captains, coaches and players to spread the word of our great game.

Keep watching to see how TCC Cricket Bats writes the next chapter in its story and I ask: Will TCC be part of your cricketing story? 

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